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Buy on TPT →Looking for open house projects for 6th grade math that are fun and hands on? This bundle also contains the perfect way to facilitate project based learning that results in beautiful work for back to school or open house. It contains 10 real world projects that are great for students to apply their learning in math topics such as volume, surface area, coordinate plane, graphing, distance, quadrants, ratios and rates, percentages, decimal operations, and statistics.
10 Math Projects Included:
This bundle contains 10 math projects (150 pages total). *Bonus optional reference sheet to summarize the 10 projects and CCSS standards included in each.
CCSS Standards: 6.G.A.2, 6.G.A.3, 6.G.A.4, 6.SP.A.2, 6.SP.A.3, 6.SP.B.4, 6.SP.B.5c, 6.SP.B.5d, 6.NS.B.3, 6.RP.A.1, 6.RP.A.2, 6.RP.A.3, 6.RP.A.3b, 6.RP.A.3c, 7.RP.A.1, 5.NBT.B.5, 5.NBT.B.7
What teachers say about my math projects:
Looking for digital practice instead?
Try the 6th Grade Pixel Art BUNDLE — which covers every 6th Grade CCSS standard, at a savings of 50% over individual resources.
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Each license of this product is for one teacher’s classroom and their students. If you wish to share with other teachers, please purchase additional licenses.
If you're interested in a quote for a campus or district license, please email me.
Copyright © 2023 Congruent Math LLC. All rights reserved.
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