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Buy on TPT →Engage your students with this Valentine's Day themed pixel art activity (versatile for any time of the year) as they practice distributive property and combining like terms with positive numbers only to simplify expressions and generate equivalent expressions.
This resources includes 2 Levels of Google Sheets/Pixel art images (Level 1: distributive property only. Level 2: distributive property and combining like terms). Teachers have used it for sub plans, independent practice, group activities, as well as quiz/assessment reviews.
This resource contains 24 expressions with positive numbers only; students will not need to apply negative integer rules to solve. Alternatively, click here for the advanced version with negative numbers instead: Distributive Property (Positive and Negative Integers).
Each activity is a self-checking Google Sheet with a unique image. Students practice a series of problems, and get immediate feedback as they go. Correct answers turn green and incorrect answers stay red. As students type in correct answers, a mystery picture appears. The Google Sheets are all self checking & digital, so it can easily be assigned through Google Classroom or any online learning platform.
In addition, an optional printable PDF worksheets (2 pages) with questions and work space is included for students to show work on paper prior to typing in solutions on the google sheets.
CCSS: 6.EE.A.3, 6.EE.A.4
What’s included?
***Again, this resource contains expressions with positive numbers only, ideal for students who haven't been taught negative integer rules yet.
NO PREP is required. The two google sheets are all self checking & digital, so it can easily be assigned through Google Classroom or any online learning platform. Correct answers turn green and incorrect answers stays red. Students are able to self check as they go as the activity provides immediate feedback. Students love watching the pixels show up in the mystery pictures as they type in the correct solutions. This is great for virtual or in person learning!
The two Google sheets are themed after Valentine's Day, but the image is versatile that it can really be used at any time in the school year.
Other Pixel Art:
Save $$ by purchasing a BUNDLE!Want to purchase pixel art bundle for a whole grade level? Save 40% off the original price when you purchase these bundles!
Before you go…
Each purchased license is for use in a single classroom. If you’d like to share with other teachers, please buy additional licenses. Thanks!
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