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Buy on TPT →Our Slope & Rate of Change Activity BUNDLE for 8th graders makes practicing calculating and comparing rate of change dynamic and fun! This printable PDF is packed with engaging, hands-on activities that help students practice using the slope formula, comparing rate of change in real life context, and matching graphs of different slopes. Aligned with CCSS 8.EE.B.5 and CCSS 8.F.B.4, your students will love this! Perfect for quiz review, end of unit refresher, project based learning, or even sub plans.
Looking for a way to make your slope & rate of change unit memorable, hands-on, and engaging for your 8th graders? Want to save money?
Here you go! Each lesson is self-contained, and requires zero prep — just print and go.
What's included?
This bundle includes 3 activities aligned to the 8th grade slope & rate of change standards, along with an exciting BONUS 8th grade activity.
Math Missions
Doodle Math
What is Doodle Math?
Every Doodle Math activity is a print-and-go time-saver:
The completed image will look best when students use markers in their choice of colors but can be completed with pencil or pen in a pinch!
Before you go…
Each purchased license is for use in a single classroom. If you’d like to share with other teachers, please buy additional licenses. Thanks!
Digital Activities
Guided Notes
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