Writing & Graphing One Step Inequalities

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Writing & Graphing One Step Inequalities Guided Notes & Doodle | Number Lines

Writing & Graphing One Step Inequalities Guided Notes & Doodle | Number Lines


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Learning Objectives

After this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Write one-step inequalities from verbal phrases using key words
  • Graph one-step inequalities on a number line with open or closed circles
  • Apply the concept of one-step inequalities to real-life situations, such as height restrictions for amusement park rides and age restrictions for watching certain movies


Before this lesson, students should be familiar with:

  • How to construct number lines and how to to plot points on them

Key Vocabulary

  • One step inequalities
  • Verbal phrases
  • Greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to
  • Graphing inequalities
  • Open circle
  • Closed circle
  • Key words like above, below, maximum, minimum, more than, less than, etc.



As a hook, ask students why it is important to understand and use inequalities in real-life situations. For example, you can ask them why it is important to set boundaries or make decisions based on restrictions for certain real life scenarios. Refer to the last page of the guided notes as well as the FAQs below for ideas on how to frame the question and initiate a discussion.

Use the first page of the guided notes to introduce the concept of writing one-step inequalities using key words for each of the four inequalities symbols. Walk through the examples and explanations provided on the guided notes to teach students how to translate verbal phrases into inequalities. Emphasize the importance of identifying key words that represent different inequality signs (greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to) and how to write the inequality symbol appropriately.

Use the second page of the guided notes to introduce the concept of graphing one-step inequalities. Explain to students how to represent inequalities on a number line using open or closed circles and shaded regions. Show them how to interpret the meaning of an open circle (non-inclusive boundary for > and <) and a closed circle (inclusive boundary for > and <) in relation to the solution set of an inequality. Guide students through the examples and explanations provided on the guided notes to reinforce their understanding of graphing inequalities. Refer to the FAQ below for a walk-through on this, as well as ideas on how to respond to common student questions.

Based on student responses, reteach concepts that students may need extra help with. If your class has a wide range of proficiency levels, you can pull out students for reteaching, while more advanced students begin working on the practice exercises. Refer to the FAQ below for ideas on how to address common misconceptions and provide additional support.


Have students practice writing and graphing one step inequalities using the maze practice worksheets provided in the resource. Walk around the classroom to answer any questions and provide guidance as needed.

Fast finishers can complete the color by code activity for additional practice. You can assign either of these activities as homework for students to continue practicing the concept.

Real-Life Application

Bring the class back together, and introduce the concept of applying one step inequalities to real-life situations. Explain to the students that inequalities are often used to set limits or restrictions. Give examples of real-life scenarios where inequalities are used, such as height restrictions for amusement park rides or age restrictions for watching certain movies.

Discuss why these restrictions exist and how they are represented using inequalities. Ask students to brainstorm other examples of real-life situations where inequalities might be used.

Note to teacher: For more ideas on how to teach real-life applications of inequalities, refer to the FAQ section of the teaching resource.


Additional Self-Checking Digital Practice

If you’re looking for digital practice for writing and graphing one-step inequalities, try my Pixel Art activities in Google Sheets. Every answer is automatically checked, and correct answers unlock parts of a mystery picture. It’s incredibly fun, and a powerful tool for differentiation.

Here are 2 activities to explore:

Additional Print Practice

A fun, no-prep way to practice writing and graphing one-step inequalities is with Doodle Math — they’re a fresh take on color by number or color by code. It includes multiple levels of practice, perfect for a review day or sub plan.

Here are 2 activities to try:


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