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Buy on TPT →I created this Add & Subtract Integers Pixel Art resource using Google Sheets to make learning fun for my middle school students! It's perfect for seventh and eighth graders as they tackle adding and subtracting integers, aligned with standards CCSS 7.NS.A.1 and CCSS 7.NS.A.1.d. You'll love how this gamified approach keeps them engaged, whether it's for a sub plan, review, or independent practice. Plus, the pixel art adds an exciting visual element that makes math more appealing!
Engage your students with this gamified version of pixel art as they practice adding and subtracting integers! It's great as sub plan, review lesson, or independent practice!
Students are given THREE separate Minecraft-themed missions that require solving 80 problems on adding and subtracting integers. When students type the correct answer, a Minecraft-inspired character moves through the level. It's entirely self-checking and digital, and can easily be assigned through Google Classroom or any online learning platform.
No prep is required. It's a resource for virtual or in person learning!
What’s included?
There's 3 pixel art Google Sheets, with 80 questions total, along with PDF answer keys for reference:
Each of the levels becomes progressively more difficult. You can assign all three levels or just pick specific levels to meet the different needs of your students.
Digital Activities
Digital Activities
Digital Activities
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